
Showing posts from May, 2021

Recovery and Prosthesis Update

 Firstly, thank you for checking in to see how Rory is getting on! Pete and I very much appreciate the ongoing support.  His recovery from the amputation is going excellently. The stump itself is healing really well, and from the day we got home he was putting weight on it and crawling around the house as normal - there's no stopping him; he's so fast!  He's now completely off the pain relief and down to one simple plaster-type dressing which we change at home once a week (or more often if he pulls it off himself - which tends to happen every few days). Sheffield did provide a stump sock for him to wear over the dressing, but it wasn't so much a compression stocking, more of a tubi-grip bandage to protect the actual dressing. After a few days we noticed that it was aggravating the centre of his skin graft and causing some inflammation, so we stopped wearing that and just made sure he had a normal sock on all the time, to stop him pulling the dressing off and to protect

Our Biggest Milestone Yet; the Amputation

Well, it's done! Rory is now officially an Amputee, joining a select club of some very special and inspirational people.  I'm pleased to report that the operation went smoothly, and thankful that this event is now in the past.  A-Day I spent the days preceding the Thursday keeping myself distracted from the inevitable overthinking by packing, unpacking and repacking the many bags we were taking with us; a weeks' worth of clothes for Rory and I, toys and books for him, books for me, food and milk for the both of us, as well as the day to day essentials like all the nappies, bibs, etc. There was a lot to pack; a real eye opener for any future holidays! Gone are the days of me slinging an overnight bag over my shoulder... The day itself started early; a 5am wake up to make sure we were in Sheffield by 7:30. Rory was first on the surgery list, so Pete took him down to theatre at 9:15 with the anaesthetist. Then came an incredibly long and agonising morning... it was gone luncht