
Showing posts from January, 2023

Two Steps Forwards, One Step Back

Recently Pete shared a great video of Rory walking completely on his own; not holding somebody's hand as he has had a preference of doing over the past 8 months. We're both unbelievably proud of the progress he's made recently in terms of his walking. The length of his stump and lack of knee makes using a prosthetic far more challenging than most amputees, as he has a straight leg to contend with. It has meant his walking progress has been much slower than that of a typical toddler; not quite snail pace, just Rory pace. But he's really turned a corner recently and is building up his confidence at walking without holding a hand or another aid. Well done Rory!  However, as we know, progress never happens in a straight line. Just as we feel like we're getting somewhere an operation comes along and Rory is now legless for potentially 4 months - which is an incredibly long time when you're 2 and a half. I'll explain why... Back in May last year Rory underwent rec...